Argyris Daouliaris: Interview with the founder of Innjobs

Argyris Daouliaris is a multitasking man. He is the brain behind Innjobs. He speaks about leadership in hotels and his new book.

Argyris Daouliaris is a multitasking man and the brain behind Innjobs. He speaks about leadership in hotels and his new book.

H.A: Describe us yourself in 3 words.

A.D: Innovative, conservative, extremely productive.

H.A: Where do you draw energy and inspiration?

A.D: From labor market itself and my profession.

H.A: How well ,do you believe, the Hotel managers of the new generation perform?

A.D: I believe that the Hotel Managers of the new generation perform pretty well. They are extrovert and communicative, but they are a bit impatient at times.

Argyris Daouliaris, Founder of Innjobs

I believe that the Hotel Managers of the new generation perform pretty well. They are extrovert and communicative, but they are a bit impatient at times.

Argyris Daouliaris, Founder of Innjobs
H.A: When others talk about you, where do you think are inspired by?

A.D: The passion for my work and my people-oriented approach.

H.A: Innjobs, of which you are Founder, has emerged as the No.1 platform of Human Resources in tourism. What is it that made it stand out?

A.D: The sincere relationship between an employee and an employer but also the exceptional team of people that is staffed and has managed to provide with a technologically friendly product.

H.A: Your new book: “Jamais sans mon petit déjeuner”( “Never without my breakfast”) with the Michelin Chef Philippe Geneletti has been embraced by Greek reading audience and beyond. How did this idea come up?

A.D: The whole concept started with hard work on the F & B(Food & Beverage) combined with our love for food. It is a relationship between friends that became a book with the purpose to showcase both civilizations. Simple as that!

H.A: Describe us a positive moment that marked you both as Hotel Director and a man.

A.D: There are positive moments every single day. The greatest one is satisfaction and customer’s good word. Positive moment is the absolute satisfaction. Everyday’s biggest bet.

H.A: What do you think is the future of tourism after this unprecedented health crisis?

A.D: At start patience, persistence and redesign. Everything will return back to normal, Ι wish even better before Covid-19 crisis. I am optimistic.

H.A: How important role play both your family and human relationships in your life in general?

A.D: Biggest part because my family means the world to me. Without them I feel insecure in everything I do. I owe them much.

Argyris Daouliaris, Founder of Innjobs
H.A: What is the message you would like to convey to people globally?

A.D: Never stop dreaming and of-course make things into reality. Nothing is being granted freely, everything requires hard work.

Personal Links

InnJobs Links

His book (pote horis to proino mou-jamais sans mon petit dejeuner)


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