What do Chefs eat? On what occasions do they cook? Food is considered a ritual when he cooks for others, while for him merely a necessity.

Sweet, sour, bitter, savory, umami! The five basic flavors that accompany every successful taste result by stirring the palate. Food, either in its simple and casual version, or embellished with fine dining touches, stimulates curiosity, trains the taste buds, overcoming the barriers of a plain, everyday biological need.

As masters of the culinary art, Chefs, utilizing the wealth of ingredients with techniques that skilfully juggle between local tradition and international trends, awaken, masterfully, feelings and luculous images from the past.

Working in a rather whimsical, thick-skinned work environment, enjoying food for a Chef is probably a midsummer night’s dream. Between the daily struggle to get food dished up, kitchen s preparations, the menus, the endless going back and forth to refrigerators, freezers monitoring the adequacy, proper maintenance and supply of raw ingredients , time is money.

In vino veritas, how many of you are friends with a Chef? Have you noticed how getting to know a Chef can change your mindset by dispelling myths that you believed until that given moment?

You are cooks and can eat whatever your heart desires

A relatively cliché proverb that you will soon realize that all that glitters is not gold.

The reality in a professional kitchen is that every Chef has the privilege of having at his disposal a multitude of goods and an abundance of raw materials. All kinds of ingredients, from large or local small producers, from every corner of mainland and maritime Greece, available to stand out in an almost bewitching way. However, just like other everyday people, Chefs are forced by the nature of their work to try everything without being unaffected by their own personal dietary restrictions (vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, etc.). After all, the meaning of the word try does not necessarily mean eating.

Chefs cook at home

A Chef, as a lifelong match, is considered by many even nowadays as one of the most ideal matches. There are not a few times when friends and relatives perpetuate this myth, arguing with disarming honesty and naturalism about the serendipity of having a Chef cook at home. On the rare occasions that his schedule allows him to be at home, he will prefer to prepare something quite simple or order out.

Zombies are not vegetarians and Chefs are not omnivores

In the ‘world of impressions’ where image defines and determines the personality of a professional, Chefs have not tried all the international cuisines of the world and above all they don’t like to hype it up. How would you feel about trying a shark or crocodile fillet knowing that it is a people’s favorite delicacy but your palette (not to mention your stomach) would exorcise the idea in the outer fire?Just as it occurs with Chefs, who have been raised with specific standards, so their cooking follows respectively specific influences.

Criticism runs in their veins

As connoisseurs of the art of gastronomy, Chefs are worthy arbiters of the culinary prowess of every connoisseur (as long as you don’t poison them, of course).At family gatherings, where food is carefully prepared, in the face of a Chef you will find the ideal instructor and ally of absolute success. So fearlessly ask him for recipes or cooking methods that will delight both young and old alike.

Back to the village

Farm to table experiences among olive trees and flowery landscapes, enjoying authentic flavors directly from the vegetable garden that spreads around us, transforming the meaning of a sustainable culinary approach , dominate the mind of every Chef. Contact with nature, garden produce, herbs and flowers are the creative field for the conception and creation of imaginative culinary dishes. A unique experience of taste and connection with nature unfolds before his eyes, acquiring the opportunity to become accustomed to authentic raw materials up close, discovering the value and benefits of seasonal cultivation, but also the heritage of the Greek land.

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