Greek beers reflect personality and intriguing aromas.With a plethora of exceptional microbreweries, discover top picks for each palate.

Producing beer and alcoholic beverages in general was considered a female activity, a privilege and obligation from prehistory as the processing of food and herbs was associated with two characteristic female tasks, cooking and medical care.
The fact that the patron saint of beer was a female deity reveals the long-standing relationship of women with the preparation of this drink, especially since they had a long tradition in distillation, perfumery and other chemical activities.
The Greek beers we have chosen, whether you are a fussy beer drinker or not, are distinguished not only for the idea and the conception of their creators but also for the full taste they offer from the first to the very last drop.

Karma Pale Ale- Alcohol(ABV) 5,5%, IBU: 23, Plato

Leo, the philosopher with glasses
“Peloponnese Brewery”, a newly established local microbrewery in Nemea, whose creators are Panagiotis Thamnidis and Panagiotis Kordosis chose to occupy with beer using the distinctive brand Karma Beer.
Why Karma? Quite simply because it is the most basic law of the universe moving everything around us. The law of action and reaction, the law of retribution.
Greek and German malts were used to create this beer as well as a combination of four different hops.
The long maturation of at least 6 weeks permeates body and roundness, which is harmoniously balanced with the bitter aftertaste of hops.
The logo of the beer depicts a middle-aged, anthropomorphic lion, Leo, whose experience and time have left their mark.
Beyond the philosophical view of things, Leo does not lapse spending important moments with friends enjoying the small pleasures of life like a beer.
Sourmena Brew- Kyria Toula- New England IPA- Alcohol(ABV) 6%

A fantastic “blondie” with a full flavor!
The nomadic brewery Sourmena Brew in the southern part of Attica has as a mark the characteristic elevated tank of the former American base in Sourmena.
It is the birthplace of quarantine since on the occasion of the lockdown, where three young people started boiling beer in a basement and as of today they have released their first official label as a nomadic brewery.
Sourmena Brew’s second beer is a New England IPA, with citrus, flavors and aromas, tropical fruits and nuts with subtle notes of pear and melon.
Κykao Oak aged Barley wine- Alcohol (ABV) 12%

Psychedelic pleasures
One of the first microbreweries in Greece based in Patra. The focus is on the use of local ingredients by indigenous farmers.
KYKAO means mix, combine different ingredients.
During the ancient Greek period and at the culmination of the most famous secret rituals of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a psychotropic drink was created, which was consumed after many days of fasting.
The desire to recreate preparations so vivid and at the same time psychedelic is the focus of Kykao’s creators’ experimentations.
Full of fine hops, it is a lager with a bitter aftertaste. Rye offers a slightly spicy taste and body.
Clepsydra Walnut Pie- Imperial Stout- Alchohol(ABV) 10%

Nomads embarking on a journey of flavors
The brewer Panos Zotos started involving with home brewing driven by an online advertisement in 2010.
A new horizon of flavors, aromas and textures was opened in front of him with procedures that require consistency and attention to detail so that the enjoyable moment of a full glass of beer spreads smiles accompanied by happy moments.
Without a specified production area, the nomadic company Clepsydra brewing, founded in 2018, is relocated to different breweries in the country to manufacture their products.
Walnut pie acquires a full body with a sense of chocolate, cinnamon, clove and vanilla with subtle notes of orange.
Canal Dive- Pilsner Alchohol (ABV) 5%

The 1st Corinthian fresh beer
Corinthian Brewery SA is the first micro-brewing company producing and trading beer in Corinth.
It was founded in 2014 by George Mouroutsos and Charalambos Digirlakis. It is located in Kritika in Ancient Corinth, initially producing sterile and unfiltered Greek beers, preserving all their natural ingredients.
Canal Dive’s name is inspired by the imposing canal opening work that was completed in the late 19th century, constituting a landmark for Corinth.
Unsterilized and unfiltered is a pure and natural beer, with a light aroma and taste of Greek malt barley, “the soul of beer” consisting of light notes of authentic hops of the Corinthian land.
It is a natural turbid beer, rich in flavor but easy to drink with a characteristic Pilsner bitterness in balance with malt along with a special aftertaste.