Hotel breakfast buffet is intertwined with flavorful travel memories. A habit of people gathering around tables eager to share edible heaven.

Breakfast has become associated with the most essential meal of the day for many reasons. After a refreshing sleep, breakfast is the right ally to replenish your glucose levels, fill you with energy and start your day with appetite and vitality. One of the well-hidden secrets of Greece and the Mediterranean cuisine is the multicolour, the seasonality of the products that each new harvest generously brings to our table.

5 things you probably didn’t know about breakfast, the most important meal of the day

  • Breakfast owes its existence to the favorite habit of all categories of all walks of life in Europe during the 17th century to take breakfast. Coffee, tea and dishes such as scrambled eggs began to make an appearance on the tables of the wealthy while in the late 1740s the first breakfast rooms graced the homes of the elite.
  • Fiber and protein are the foundation of a healthy breakfast
  • Eating yoghurt for breakfast is a very common practice in the US
  • You can eat dessert for breakfast

Hotel breakfast is much more than a plain meal. It is the most significant part of the travel experience itself. The variety of options, the focus on quality and freshness, the atmosphere and the friendly service contribute to the joy of this morning ritual. Whether you are a frequent traveler or for you travel stands for a gate-away from the daily routine, breakfast at a hotel is a delightful way to start your day and create pleasant memories.

In the context of creating delectable menus, sometimes with touches of local specialties and flavor of tradition and sometimes more products with an international appeal corresponding to the countries of origin of their guests, which will form the basis of an enriched breakfast buffet, hotels have generally succeeded in capturing the philosophy of flavors and highlighting their culinary identity. However, not without errors!

7 sources of problems that put a hotel’s breakfast buffet out of competition

The ‘art’ of coffee

One of the most recognizable beverages around the world, along with tea, is undeniably coffee. As a product that is consumed by millions of people around the world, it is a valuable marketing tool strengthening the sales of catering businesses. As unfortunately happens in the majority of hotel breakfast buffets, the coffee served comes from low-quality vending machines, making it a difficult task to consume and rather enjoy, pushing travelers to alternative, competitive and quality choices of their favorite beverages.

When life gives you lemons, make….orange juice

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice can be a particularly pleasant part of your morning meal as its action lasts for hours. In order to be able to maintain low cost levels, several companies do not invest in professional machine solutions but automatic ones (of dubious quality) that prepare concentrated orange juice, colored water type, with sugar and many preservatives.

When the so-called ‘handmade’ pastries are man-made

A variety of baked goods such as bread, croissants, bagels and pies occupy a very important part in the hotel breakfast buffet, with several of them for the sake of impressing being presented as handmade (from our oven) , while in reality they are consistent with quick and ready-to-eat solutions products. Establishing partnerships with local bakeries could prove to be particularly effective and of high quality.

Cheese and cold cuts…to die for

One of the most common complaints expressed by travelers when being accommodated in hotels and at breakfast is the poor quality of cheeses and cold cuts. The problem intensifies , when market research is absent (indicatively, we should mention that small and medium-sized companies are active in Greece in a percentage of more than 90%) and low-quality financial solutions are preferred.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

The most critical part of the food preparation process is undoubtedly its preservation. Food hygiene is as important at home as it is in the restaurant, retail store or food factory. Accommodation data in hotels has changed and with it the way we enjoyed our breakfast, especially the buffet. By maintaining a series of correct and sanitary criteria and also by investing in the construction of breakfast buffet units, hotels will be able to ensure the health of their customers as well as the freshness of their raw materials.

Too late for fruits, too soon for flowers

Breakfast at a hotel buffet combines for a guest comfort, convenience, culinary delight and discovery of new experiences. Fruits, preferably in season, play an important role in maintaining a balanced diet. Fruit types such as apples, bananas and pears should be served uncut since they oxidize when cut, while an excellent option to use their nutrients would be fruit salads.

When Food service fails to provide proper customer service

Breakfast and service are considered the most elementary sources of quality assessment of an accommodation. After all, there are not a few times when short fuses are observed between the customers of a lodging and the members of the Food service team, mainly due to the complete absence of specific items from the breakfast buffet or the lack of cleanliness and proper service. A frequent phenomenon found especially in small and medium-sized family-type businesses is the employment of a limited number of workers in the breakfast rooms, which makes any form of communication with customers difficult, let alone the timely treatment of any problems.

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