Milk, like other dairy products, has many uses in cooking and pastry. Chef Nikos Nezeritis presents the version of vegan culture.

Niko, it’s a matter on the angle you look at it, I was once told as a teenager. In the course of my 38 years of life, this phrase got hold of me at many times.
One of these moments is the one I am observing at present. What is the approach by vegan fans (because most fans are) in comparison to other people, who happen to be carnivore.
In a vegan silent protest a few years ago, one of the representatives of the vegan culture raised the question:
Niko, what will you miss most about the meat-eating life?

I swiftly responded milk and cheeses, since we do not put animals to death in order to pick up milk and produce cheeses.
His reply was forceful than a slap, making me realize how wrong I was, and even though I’m a professional chef, I am not well aware of the essential nutritional needs of the human body.
Within the scope of human needs, animal cheeses and milk have absolutely no place ( I realized many years later that he was right).
But reality reminds us that dairy products are the very foundation of numerous future-proof recipes. Both in cooking and pastry.
The vegan chef that night, in that silent protest, added that we drink animal milk, which contains vitamins and nutrients essential mainly for small newborn animals and not for the human organism. From the birth of a young animal, humans deprive it of the entitlement to grow up with what it is entitled to.

Does this sound familiar?
All the answers you are looking for, are hidden inside you and always in the past, my psychologist once told me and was right too.
So in a dive into the subconscious, I recalled that once as children we were always fed with leftover milk(that is the unconsumed milf from an animal). At first, a young animal would run to his mother in order to drink milk, and subsequently my grandmother would extract milk. Initially, it wοuld have its fill and later us, people. (something that does not incure nowadays). We didn’t get milk every day and if we had, it was a slightest bit. The cheese we produced was a barrel of feta, which we barely deliver for a year, from leftover milk.

This was the exact answer I was looking for, not leftovers as an answer but the wrong use of milk by people. Where milk for humans was very scarce as food, these days has come to be in greater abundance than almost all food in the world.
Looking at it from a different angle, I realized that the way most vegans approach milk is a deterrent.
Wherefore they judge you, they put you in a way to apologize for the harm you do to animals (which is not a lie either), how incorrect you contemplate, how selfish you are, how greedy. In the end your shopping bag, along with the challenge of negative emotions, is filled with guilt.
Does this sound familiar to you?
You know negative emotions are necessary for anyone because this is how activates and evolves, but the inner reshaping is based only on positive emotions. Only with a positive approach will you be able to make the other person listen to you, especially those who grew up with leftovers.