Panos Alexopoulos, Ambassador of Maria Callas, shares his thoughts on a butler school in Greece and new challenges ahead by the White House.

With proverbs sewn into his heart and lapel ‘there is no price in happiness’ and ‘hold your horses’, Maria Callas ambassador and high society butler, Panos Alexopoulos, a graduate with honors from the School for Butlers and Hospitality, shares his thoughts on a butler school in Greece, while remaining open to any kind of challenge and invitation that will lead him to the doorstep of the White House.

H.A: Why do you think that in Greece, cradle of culture and hospitality, there is no school for Butler?

Panos Alexopoulos: My dream is to set up a school for butlers. I have already established the company Regal Loyalty, which provides training and consulting services. Unfortunately, so far I don’t have any clients, owing to the fact that all major hotels or groups do an in-house training. Whether it’s called Marriott, Amanzoe, whether it’s called One & Only or Four Seasons.

All of them acquire their own training programs, with the default title of Human Resources having been replaced by the equivalent of People & Culture. I believe there is no Butler school in Greece yet, although it is my personal ambition, since I think the first to sabotage this endeavour will be Greeks. Also, let’s not forget that it’s not just Greece.

Starting from Spain, Italy, the Mediterranean, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, the entire Mediterranean, Morocco, which does not exist in Greece and to be quite frank, the assistance of state is a prerequisite.

When you make a request for the assistance of the state and the state is against it, rather seeking to make use of other tactics and maybe look for other investors, this can cause enormous difficulties. My dream was to own a large mansion and to settle not solely a school for butlers, but a school for front office and back office tasks, all in all a hospitality school , providing a wide range of master classes, with distinguished chefs contributing to the success of such an ambitious plan.

The knowledge you can acquire is of paramount importance. For instance, yacht industry, hospitality industry, notions clearly entailing everything. In addition, there is the household organisation industry, which unfortunately has been left to its own devices and in the hands of third countries, obliging anyone, who is looking for qualified personnel to pay handsomely.

When, par example, I can fill ten job openings and in Greece is next to impossible finding an employment, Greece should consider me as an asset, because in addition to being a butler, I am also a personal trainer.  Regrettably, education in our country is not properly paid for, in a country where hospitality came into being!

Someone might wonder, isn’t the fact that Greece is the cradle of civilisation, the cradle of hospitality, that the very idea of ancient hospitality has its roots in Xenios Zeus, an oxymoron?  We , Greeks opened our homes for the first time.

Nevertheless, I watch Greeks on a well-trodden path diametrically opposed to the principles of Xenios Zeus with them believing that the work of a Butler cannot secure their livelihood. On the other hand, I am asked to consider , whether to follow my heart or my mind. I look to the desires of my heart and always walk with it as a guide.

My desire is to form a school for Butlers, but without the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture. I want to lead an effort teaching hospitality and Customer Service, providing the opportunity for everyone to be trained in the hospitality industry, develop their careers and evolve as personalities.

Greek state, on the other hand, considering that either has not discovered the ideal businessman profile that can rely on in order to implement something of a sort, or on the grounds of lack of investment funds, prefer to wind on untrained personnel, with the mentality of civil servants in city hotels, or to be employed in Greek island hotels for a period of 4-5 months with the view that this is their value and therefore their reward. In my opinion, schools and universities, including private schools, cannot make the most of Greek hospitality. 

The concept of hospitality includes the word filotimo, which cannot be interpreted into any language of the world. Thereafter, Greek authorities must invite people like us, who will become actively involved with tourism.

Just like me, who I will be paid by someone to make him a better version of himself, and let us not fool ourselves, tourism does not only include mainly restaurants and hotels but thousands of other businesses as well.

H.A: Taste and travel experiences. Terms that we often hear from official political, journalistic and touristic lips. Where does the professional butting experience count among them?

Panos Alexopoulos: The definition of a butler has been somewhat abused. They have abused it tending to dwell in the past. Back to the old days of Mr. Stevens or the butler of the president of United States.  There are many colleagues, who are indeed very good butlers and who may not have studied, but execute their job tasks with all their heart and are extremely helpful.

Experience, however, is the element that will elevate a butler. An experience butler like myself plays a very important role and is connected to the set of experiences that we often listen from official political, touristic and generally star system lips.

It’s an asset that every family would benefit from having, since a butler is an assistant that can do 400 things at once in a day, making everyone’s life a lot easier.

In the case of a politician or the prime minister of a country, who is called according to his schedule to participate in an important conference of the European Union, and is pressed for time to attend daily activities, the butler is the one, who steps in.

Butler , as a term, has its roots in Ancient Greece and was associated with carboys. In Italy it is translated as maggiordomo. The first butler mentioned in the manuals is Marie-Antoine Carême and was a Chef in Russia.  He was the one, who invented the so-called Service a la Russe.

In my point of view, Greeks are not accustomed to hire a butler, is beyond their code of ethics and if they ever wished to have a butler, they would not know how to make a good use of him. If they ever knew the way, everything would be much easier.

A butler has been designated as a personal assistant and incorrectly as a concierge. The butler is by no means just a doorman but a sommelier, a house manager, a personal assistant and Chief of staff. He curates your daily itinerary, schedules your appointments, is your most loyal friend.

He is not just a server, with the existing, albeit erroneous, perception prevailing in Greece. The same applies to many hotel units, which have not clarified the concept of a good butler. The butler has a strong personality with a customer-centric mindset. Few professionals worldwide are called butlers. Butling is a quality and not just a daily activity. We lay down our souls every day. We do not perform our work duties within the hours of 09.00am-17.00pm but we are available 24 hours a day. We are present, when someone faces a problem or wishes to share his joy.

HA: Have you thought about taking a completely different path?

Panos Alexopoulos: Observing essentially what is happening in Greece and correspondingly abroad, where the experiences are clearly more, I have thought that the time has come to take advantage of the knowledge I have acquired over the years or even to find a job where suits me.

For this reason and to interrelate my answer to the first question as to why there is no butler school in Greece, I established Regal Loyalty. The company’s services are based on offering training and consulting programs.

My desire, upon my return to Greece, is to work as a freelance butler ensuring a stable income. Unfortunately in Greece, I can’t find an occupation since several companies consider me overqualified with the job offer being nil or non-existent. The labor market must be strengthened with people, who love what they do and have passion. Why talk even today about professionals, who are overqualified, when look for a job vacancy?

Many people cringe upon τthe sound of the word butler. They wonder why they should hire a butler or consider the cost of his services to be far beyond their budget and consequently resort to other solutions such as employing Filipino.

I love my job immensely. Butling is an art for me. The art of caring, commonly known as hospitality. I will be gravely saddened if I ever lose it, especially when I can no longer put food on my table.

I’ve been around the world 5 times and I know that when the system fails us, then we’re all called upon to change the system. We need to reshape the work environment, in which we do business.

I would prefer to stay in Greece and input the wealth of knowledge I have acquired. To do my utmost both for others and my family alike. That’s the very foundation of my studies. To plow ahead with this enjoyable journey of professional creation.

H.A: What is the three-fold of success for a professional butler?

Panos Alexopoulos: You must be disciplined, organized and solitary. Long hours of study are required, almost every day. A wide range of knowledge i.e wines, music, art, cars, clothes and books. The triptych is undoubtedly discipline, consistency and hard work.

H.A: What is your relationship with wine and how did your collaboration as a brand ambassador of Domaine Anagennisi(Rennaisance) in Nemea come about?

Panos Alexopoulos: Wine, as I often quote, is the salt in food. I’ve been fond of it since my childhood! Having traveled the world and invested time and money into studying at WSPC, I have had the opportunity to visit many wineries. 

Wine is a living organism.  Being a bit of a romantic and as a former boutellier, I would like to further develop my career in the wine industry. Generally, when I find something I like, I never cease on trying.

 I have visited the Sastiglia estate in Tuscany 7 times to taste Sastiglia, Relai, Solai wines, the ones I particularly hold dear in my heart. My relationship to wine and champagne defines me. Champagne is my love, wine is my narrative.

I love the Campania region, the very origin of champagne, I love Lancer, James Bond’s Bollinger champagne. I think there is nothing quite like it in the whole world.

I consider Bordeaux to be a fine a wine producing region. Greece produces great wines from Northern Greece, Crete and Santorini.

The Peloponnese has a lot to offer in the world of wine. There are pro-phylloxera wines with a handful of legendary old estates.

Of particular interest and perhaps paradoxical is the fact of my collaboration as a brand ambassador of Domaine Anagennisi in Nemea and the owner Tasos Xydis.

The winery has a long history, already since 1876 producing Agiorgitiko and Assyrtiko wines. 

In a radio interview of mine with my beloved friend Maria Lemonia, I received on a piece of paper a notification on behalf the Domaine to pay them a visit and taste their wines. Tasting an Agiorgitiko variety,  memories, aromas and images of winemakers, wineries, villages of Tuscany and Burgundy begun to emerge!

Excited by the dynamics of the wines, what I had in my hands was pure gold, I asked Mr. Xydis if he would be willing to change the label of his wines. I took a glimpse on his condescending smile, asking me to become the brand ambassador of his winery. 

It is extremely difficult to produce wine. How much more to harvest a vine! There is loneliness, passion and a lot of love. In every form of art. Setting my eyes on such a great product, a man who believes in what he does and loves it, I couldn’t remain unmoved as a person and decided without a minute’s hesitation to invest my time.

I have faith that Domaine Anagennisi(Renaissance) and its wines will play an important role in Greek winemaking. The art of wine itself is very complicated. I’m not a winemaker, nor an oenologist and I have the faintest idea about it, but when you get a prestigious persona like myself, your objective is to get an equally great wine. 

H.A: Do you regret something you said or didn’t do?

Panos Alexopoulos: I never regret what I say. I regret what I didn’t follow up on what I said. That’s my answer. I would like to work in Greece.

I would like to be part of Greek hospitality. I regret that my persuasion is not liked by some in explaining the dynamics of tourism in our country. It is our primary sector. We expect to thrive from tourism, without the very embodiment of hospitality spirit within us.

When someone wishes to become a soccer player, is trained 7-8 hours a day. I train 5-6 hours a day, studying every single day to master my craft. Yes, I regret not speaking more harshly.

Sometimes, I am called cynical and very rude but I am straightforward.

I rather regret that I have not properly promoted or honoured Panos personality, to put it more simply. If this could be communicated, they would all realise the momentum of the profession I chose and its potential in 10 years time.They will look for experienced butlers but in vain.

I was a 7 year old boy, when I decided to become a butler. My tale soon unravelled but we need to move on. What many of us have not realised is that there are no skilled professionals, let alone experts.

Every year,  there is an increase in tourism revenue, 5%, 10%, 20% but we keep up asking personnel from third countries, we do not invest in our own professionals. I very much regret giving away my art. It’s not easy for someone to do what I do. One cannot easily become a butler. You have to believe in yourself, in your energy and have clear thinking. Be always there…

I think I said it all. If there is one thing I didn’t do,  is become a White House butler. A Eugene Richard Anen persona, at the very least. If you ask me, I’d like to be the White House butler.I’m probably overqualified for them too…

H.A: How would you introduce Panos Alexopoulos to the public?

Panos Alexopoulos: I am a perfectionist, as a person. I work a lot. I like telling the truth. Also the truth creates hatred. So I know that when you tell the truth, you are fatally hated or loved. Ι have too many friends, who love me and too many, who despise of me.

Nevertheless, I am happy with everyone, because I am having fun with them all. Panos, as a person, helps the whole world.

I don’t recall a single day not followed by a good deed. I make my bed every morning. It’s the first task of the day and it makes me a better person.

I am a giver. I love my family. Of all my wins, the role of father is the best title I am granted.

There is nothing else on top of it. In addition, I neither forget nor forgive. It is not what we are used of saying I  can easily forget, but I will forgive.

I avoid toxic people in my life. Let me fly folks, without reining me in. As a man, Panos Alexopoulos, is way “too difficult”. When we first meet.

I enjoy testing others, finding out their strengths and weaknesses and how far I can go. On the contrary, I am fond of my colleagues.

Everything I say is the truth, I hate lies. I’d rather you tell me the truth. What other colleagues may do, Panos is ready to have their back.

As I enjoy being  a leader and not a manager, I think that the leader should be there.  Are you the best? Can you prove it? 

When someone needs to pull the chestnuts out of the fire, Panos is there. Everyone claims that Panos is a man, who wants it all. He is precise.

But at the end of the day, no matter how they feel about me, they love me. In a strange way. I’m not a demagogue at all.

Sometimes, I display an arrogant style. That’s just how Panos is and sometimes our personality tends to characterise our work as well. I like to learn, I like to listen.

I like talking to older people, to younger people and I enjoy specifically talking to people, who are on the lowest rung in a house, because from those people you will learn the truth. I like the challenge. Success is my drug.

I firmly believe that I still haven’t given back to the community. As everything comes from the benevolent grace of God, we should always support our communities. 

I am an ordinary person , I can eat both with my hands and with cutlery. Finally, Panos never forgets , where he started.  I hail from Kyparissia.

I am a child of a very poor family. I respect the money earned and I work very hard. Nothing has ever been granted to me.

H.A: Work in Greece or professional recognition abroad?

Panos Alexopoulos: Is that what we call better be first in a village than second at Rome? 

I believe that I have already earned the professional recognition abroad. Ι have dedicated long hours of my life to people. I traveled in many places across the continent, I have gained a lot of experiences.

At the moment and due to family reasons, I would like to stay in Greece and move forward with my life regardless if my ideas are not liked or are too harsh. That’s what life abroad taught me.

As you may know, when you are a hard worker abroad, they adore you. But in Greece, they hate you. It’s an oxymoron, don’t you think?

When I work 20 hours uninterrupted in United States of America, Panos, every man, is considered a god. Here, in Greece is a foul’s play.

I believe I have earned my place. Praise be to God! I still haven’t succeeded it in Greece.

I don’t know why.  I’d rather have our industry experts answer that, who ultimately know what´s best or not for this country.

A former employer once said to me “Are you going to be a servant?”. And I replied: “Yes sir, I’m going to be a servant. I prefer to be a servant.”

A servant, who left his birthplace, Greece and conquered the world.

But I still haven’t been to the White House. I don’t know if I’ll be Elon Musk’s or Jeff Bezos’ butler. I do not.

I’m in Greece and I don’t have a job. It hurts, if you ask me. Sometimes, it hurts because I want to stay in Greece , because I have a wonderful family, two precious children.

I’ve fought so hard to get myself right.

So… What can I tell you? I don’t know. Until recently, many did not know me.

After 2-3 interviews, they begun getting to know Panos. But the storyline of Panos started at the age of 7. I needed 32 years to be a butler.

But I’m not done yet. I fight to be. Once I made my mind and become a butler, I hustled all I had, no one ever lend me a helping hand.

They need to rethink, what some people define as a butler. What do they like? The suit? The prestige? As I said at one point, when we were talking on the phone, you wear the suit. Not the opposite way round.

The value of the suit is what you have on you. It’s in your heart. And sometimes it’s not full.

I made a good name of myself abroad. Tried hard. I am fighting day and night to do the same in Greece.

I hope I can make it. I will definitely make it. Because if I hope,  it’s like saying… if it’s going to happen.

I haven’t learned to lose. I feed on success. It’s my drug and it will never change.

But I believe… As arrogant as it sounds… It’s my heart. My heart speaks out this very moment.

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