Reality Cooking Shows stood out as must-watch genres on television for the culinarily curious neglecting however the basics of Real Cooking.
3, 2, 1 Shooting!
Familiar sound coming from the backstage of a TV production with the actors, the cameramen, the director and the rest of the actors preparing themselves for another project based on the script.

Konstantinos Koveos, Executive Chef at Athens Coast and London Hotel, with οver 20 years of experience in professional kitchens and Nikolas Drossos, aka kouzinogatos, known for his involvement in many gastronomy projects, decided to put on the table all those that look great on the eye but are far from what we call real cooking.
K.K: In Reality Cooking Shows the concept is more or less known. Whether it is the Master Chef, the Top Chef or even the Game of Chefs.
International projects that have captured public’s eye by offering big cash prizes, gifts, an open promise of professional recognition to the winner and as much as for the viewers;
N.D: Yes, but are these Reality Cooking Shows offer along with the spectacle, culinary know-how as well?
Is it but a glimpse of the keyhole sprinkled with shivers of emotion, grafted outbursts of anger, rage, indignation, humanity and joy with a flurry of tweets and likes during comfort TV commercials?

K.K: Nikolas, when you watch these unrealistic scenes, with food warehouses supplied with what your culinary (and not only) soul craves, it is clearly an image that distorts everything that every employee encounters.
With a team of people, who abet, support and train the players, but also a scenario that must be followed in order to serve the flow of the Reality Cooking Show.
N.D: Therefore, we catch sight of anyone, graduate of a Culinary School, assuming to pursue a TV career or pose in glossy magazines.
Cooking does not end here.
It is not trapped in the waterproof industrial TV sets nor is it part of well-built outdoor trials with sea or mountain views. Quite the opposite!
K.K: Real Cooking takes place under high temperatures, time pressure, absolute concentration in goal achievement, dozens of hours on Research and Development (R & D) with the aim to create well-built menus.
These menus will harness taste and earn customers’ positive impressions either they choose a degustation menu in a renowned restaurant or a juicy beef tagliata in a central hotel or even some delicious grilled mutton chops in a tavern overlooking the Saronic Gulf.

ND: Even worse and in more details, Real Cooking includes food cost, correct use (and not abuse) of materials, technical difficulties, possible lack of staff and several hours of standing and sweating.
The worst part, is when menu lists are prepared in restaurants and upon asking the Manager about the daily’s cost list, he looks at you in surprise.
Frequently, many are unaware of calculating the cost of a dish. Not to mention a flamboyant case, where a Cook, thinking himself as God on Social Media, failed to properly cost an entire menu, resulting in shutting down the restaurant he was in charge of.
K.K: Unfortunately, we live in the age of Reality Cooking Shows , where a touching family narrative is promoted for impressions composing a success story.
Stories of such kind, have no place in a professional kitchen’s reality. All that matters is to get the right result. Emotions, personal experiences and problems are the reality that each of us has to face, after the end of the shift.
N.D: And that brings us to the all time classic: “I am terribly sorry Chef, but I will not come for work tomorrow. Something unexpected happened to me”….
Developing in the gastronomy industry is not an easy task and is certainly not a call of the many but of the rather few.
That is what we call a rugged road.
By learning to survive in difficult situations, by studying, by constantly practicing your abilities, curbing your passions and your insurmountable ego, you become better.

K.K: Obviously, participating in a Reality Cooking Show, grants you with followers, and “recognition”. It can not make you a better Cook and therefore a human being.
This requires many years of work and effort, personal sacrifices and deprivations. Most importantly, requires from you to always listen, to observe and understand, in order to gradually evolve and improve.
N.D: What does it finally matter? Elegant Reality Cooking Shows or Real Cooking?
Depending on the perspective, philosophy and needs of everyone I would might add.
The lure will always be greater, clearly promising with risks that are not visible to the naked eye.
But reality is different. Clearly raw, without fanfare and pearls. In the endgame, if you desire recognition, GNTM and other Reality Shows are waiting for you.
Κ.Κ: All in all, what ultimately matters the most is to be a good professional in everything you do.
Off to cook Nicholas! Put your uniform on, otherwise you will remain outside of the kitchen.
About the Authors

Koveos Konstantinos is Executive Chef at Athens Coast & London hotels in Glyfada, Athens. He is Founding member of the Attica Chefs Club – “Acropolis“. He recently released his first book entitled Cooking @ Home by Fylatos Publishing.
Member of the evaluation committee of Olymp Taste Awards. Graduate of the School of Tourism Professions in Anavyssos. In his professional career so far, has worked for prestigious 5 star hotels, including Astir Vouliagmeni, Pentelikon and Crowne Plaza.

Nikolas Drossos aka Kouzinogatos is a skilled Graphic Designer and a dynamic Social Media Curator with a successful business career in advertising and publishing companies.
He has been employed as Social Media Manager for taste connoisseur Ilias Mamalakis.
He is a passionate and open minded Web Designer with artistic curiosity.His true love for Greek gastronomy and cooking, led to a collaboration as a Creative Designer for Cooking@Home cookbook.