The Ritz – Carlton is a hotel brand with a history of 100 years. Beyond well-known personalized services,there is also their Employee Promise.

Corporate culture
In Ritz-Carlton, in addition to the well-known “Motto“: “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen”, there is also the lesser known “Employee Promise“.
The reason for its existence is to remind the employees every day (through the Credo card “) that without their recognition and the company’s investment on them, working conditions would have never allowed the corporate culture of outstanding service to be established.
In a human-centered industry as such, The Ritz-Carlton‘s goal is for human resources to identify values and philosophy and be emotionally attached to hotel brand’s esteemed visitors.

As Bill Marriott, founder’s son of the homonymous chain, who at the end of the last century added The Ritz-Carlton brand to its luxury hotel portfolio, rightly quoted: “If you take care of your employees, they in turn will take care of the customers and the company will take care of itself “.
Employee Promise
Therefore, The Ritz-Carlton established some principles that should be applied to its accommodations, by keeping the following promise to its employees:
“The Promise to the Employee”
At The Ritz-Carlton, our Ladies and Gentlemen are the most important resource in our service commitment to our guests.
By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, we nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company.
The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment, where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled and The Ritz-Carlton Mystique is strengthened.

Working environment
The tourism industry is labor intensive.
When, in the hotel, we coexist with 500 colleagues of different personalities and nationalities, we must behave with ethics and professionalism, maintaining good relations with everyone.
By cultivating a friendly atmosphere and relationships of trust and respect with subordinates and superiors, we will overcome obstacles and difficult moments that we will undoubtedly be called upon to face.
The big smile will come out more effortlessly, when we feel solidarity and part of the company, and not just accomplices in a pointless theatrical performance (“smile, you’re on stage!”).

Recruitment and Training
The Ritz-Carlton‘s priority is to hire talented staff with ethics, who will be armed with the ambition to make the most of their potential and to constantly develop their skills.
Adopting a service mindset, facilitates staff training and helps displaying sincere care and emotional connection with the guests being the cornerstone of company’s philosophy.
Before starting work, employees go through a 2-day training orientation, in order to be introduced to the Gold Standards.
They are also provided with extensive training throughout the first year of their presence.
Consequently, participate in regular training seminars through the corporate’s training platform, ensuring compliance with the brand standards and adapting to the constant changes of indoor and outdoor environment.
Every day, for about 15 minutes at the start of each shift, in The Ritz-Carlton, staff of all departments attend the quality assurance meeting.
During this, Gold Standards are reviewed with open discussion, role play and reading the “Wow story” of the day, while information is provided on the operational issues, but also on the events planned for the day.
Interesting are the following examples of employee reward’s implementation and recognition programs, which catalytically contribute to maintaining their performance at high levels:
- Outstanding employees are praised at the Leaders Meeting and receive a “First Class” card, earning benefits such as a free dinner and awards. Οn a quarterly basis, “Five Star” awards are bestowed with significant monetary rewards.
- An institution is the annual general session (“General Session“), in which staff members participate without exception. Critical information is announced, such as key performance indicators (KPIs), past year’s results, as well as investments and renovations to be made in the foreseeable future.
- Point of reference is the thematic annual reception (“Annual Gala“) taking place on Halloween. All employees are invited with their companions. Εntertainment and carnival events are hosted, lotteries with a plethora of gifts. Not to mention the prestigious public reward of Employees of the Year.
- One last annual event that all employees look forward to, is Employee’s Appreciation Week. They are given the opportunity to participate in various “team building” activities, such as rides with “off-road buggies”, “jeep safari”, volleyball games, meals in restaurants, barbecue in the countryside after music and many more.

Employee Engagement
The Ritz-Carlton, understanding the crucial role that employees play in visitors satisfaction, conducts annual Employee Engagement measurements.
Measurements include the use of questionnaires, but also adhere to the established “open door” policy, in terms of which, leadership must listen to them actively.
In addition to their ongoing training and recognition thus contributing to their satisfaction, employees are empowered to promptly address any visitor’s problem.
Moreover, they are substantially involved in setting measurable and achievable goals(e.g sales goals and SWOT analysis of relevant department).
This particular approach to internal marketing and the constant feedback of each employee’s opinion to the leadership, imbues any employee the feeling that belongs to the company.
His opinion counts, he actively participates, he offers and does not simply serve.

A satisfied employee will be able to maximize his talent, maintain his performance at high levels, providing excellent service, showing commitment, and contributing to The Ritz Carlton‘s higher productivity and profitability.
Article's Source: Marketing Tips
About the Authors

Vassilis Klapanaris was born in Luxembourg and studied Economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He completed a postgraduate course in International Hospitality Management in Les Roches, Switzerland.
He worked for Ritz-Carlton in Guest Relations and Sales Departments at Penha Long Resort in Sintra, Portugal.
He worked as F&B Manager at the Real Hotels Group in Lisbon and as a Hotel Manager at Herdade de Matinha on the Alentejo coast.

John Protopapadakis is Author, Professor at Le Monde Institute and Seminars Lecturer about Marketing, Quality Service and Complaint Management.
On his website, Marketing Tips, where during the last year succeeded in reaching 1.345.000 views, shares content about Marketing, Public Relations and Customer Service.
His successful collaboration with Stamoulis Publications , brought in a plethora of books addressing to Tourism and Marketing professionals, who wish to pursue a successful career.