Nikos S. Morantis, Hospitality Strategy Expert of Destsetters & Co-Founder of Hotelier Academy Greece,speaks about the new shape of hotel sector in 2021 after Covid-19 era.

What changes in hotels in 2021 and how will the new season be with the presence of Covid-19?
Hospitality Strategy Expert of Destsetters & Co-Founder of Hotelier Academy Greece Nikos S. Morantis gives answers to 9 questions in regards to the new shape of hotel sector in 2021.
H.A: Do you think that there is a gap in education for professionals in tourism sector? How do you assess their level of readiness?
N.M: At first, education in all sectors is something that never stops. Especially in our days where developments speed up. As far as the tourism industry is concerned, as it is directly connected to technology, especially in sales, needs are even greater and perpetual. Given the above, I believe that there is indeed a gap in education of tourism professionals on the grounds that many of them have remained in their academic or empirical knowledge without taking care of being updated in regards to new trends.
H.A: Taking into account the change in the world tourist map occurred with the outbreak of Covid-19, what are the top skills a professional needs to acquire nowadays?
N.M: I am particularly pleased that you mention the term change, as it is the very point where the first and important skill is focused and this is no other than «market’s perception». It is crucial for businessmen to be aware of the changes, so as to comprehend them and specify their next steps with self composure. From that point on, needs “familiarization with technology”, as companies have already an intense virtual activity but also “flexibility in decisions” considering that every month is a total surprise and you must readjust your plans. Finally and maybe the most essential, needs “empathy” , due to the communication with those around us being pivotal for both in professional and human level, connecting those two pieces together. It saddens me particularly that many employers being in such situation were not close to their team, beyond the human approach, being professionally significantly harmful.
H.A: Covid-19 & Investments. How can a businessman strengthen his business but also develop it within 2021?
N.M: Making a plan, which may have never done before. In Greece, we are a bit of buccaneers when it comes to business. Although I am a man of vision and passion for what I do, I do think that some things need pencil and paper. Therefore initially, they should redefine the service, their product and the way that are placed in the market. In plain words, both for Destsetters and companies, I do the strategy for, such as Hotelier Academy, Travel by Interest and so on I have already changed 3 times the mix of services since the pandemic in order to keep pace with market’s requirements.

Therafter, intense Digitilization is required, that is to ensure all necessary technologies and tools leading to business and sales growth are integrated.
I cannot imagine how it is for a company not knowing basic tools such as Canva, Mailchimp and even more Google science in our days. Finally, the right specification of Job description and investment on their team. This is a key element. In many firms there is a business title and from there and beyond chaos!
Every position must be accompanied with specific tasks and skills, adding up education as one of the most important elements of success.
Η.A: With the swifting progress of efood orders and several hotel menus entry, αre you of the opinion that a trend is formed on 2021 and beyond?
N.M: Clearly. All in all the «feel like home» philosophy in hotels, started developing ever since Airbnb made an appearance in the market. Efood’s entry in hotels demonstrates a more extroverted approach on behalf of the hoteliers that pleases me as it is an out of the box action. In addition, it brings forward the dynamics of local communities where Greece’s hotels had never given attention to.
Efood’s entry in hotels demonstrates a more extroverted approach on behalf of the hoteliers that pleases me as it is an out of the box action.
Nikos Morantis, Hospitality Strategy Expert
Ηοwever, according to my opinion, we have to be careful with new trends and how we can integrate them. I revert to what I said earlier about the plan. Every action we do needs to be monitored as to how it affects our plan balances.
H.A: How do you judge the support of state bodies in tourism businesses and what businessmen themselves are obliged to do?
N.M: Given the circumstances, I think that there were indeed supporting tools. We cannot evidently be all satisfied, and makes it absolutely sense as we talk about a situation that concerns us all and to all some will be excluded. Generally speaking, irrelevant of every man’s political direction, we must maintain a positive approach in every effort, and as you correctly asked to act by ourselves. What we businessmen need to do is to keep on investing and making plans even in the existing circumstances. Ιdleness is the one that will kill the market.
On this occasion, if there is something that displeases me with the state apparatus is the fact that employment is not funded rather than unemployment. In my view, there should be programms subsidising companies to continue struggling as this would create a new market.
H.A: What are the solutions that Destsetters offers for a brand’s creation and its success?
N.M: Destsetters takes over the companies’ strategy emphasizing in profit making and modernisation, addressing to 2 basic categories: Hoteliers and Tourism Companies. Naturally, we are approached by companies in other fields, and with great joy we have taken over projects having enriched our perspective even more. Fundamentally, we initially undertake the rightful specification of each brand and its services, introduct all the necessary Digital tools and train staff in the new company’s vision.
Hotel Concept - Mossa Hotel / Destsetters
Chania Crete
Arrange an online appointment with Destsetters experts on 100% Hotel Show
We have particularly successful examples such as the 100% Hotel Show but also with “proprietary brands” such as Hotelier Academy and Travel by Interest. We are very excited as during the last year we launched a new service for Hotels about Hotel Concept Making, something I dare saying we are one of the few companies in the world with such an expertise. And to explain it clearly:
Hotel Concept Making
We run first a Typology study, according to an inquiry in traveller searches and competition. A business plan is made on the right basis(rooms, facilities, category), and shortly after by specifying the concept philosophy and areas, the Architect embarks on the designing procedure.
Nikos S. Morantis, Hospitality Strategy Expert
The owner makes a business plan and at the same time goes to the Architect in order to design the hotel. We change the procedure entirely. We run first a Typology study, according to an inquiry in traveller searches, competition and so on. Thereafter a business plan is made on the right basis(rooms, facilities, category), and shortly after by specifying the concept, that is the dossier describing in detail both the general philosophy and areas, then the Architect embarks on the designing procedure. It is truly a fascinating procedure, and underlines the wrongful way that new hotels are built in Greece.
H.A: Do you think that aviation and travel agencies sectors respectively will soon recover?
N.M: Certainly! I believe that when this is all over we will all travel as if there is no tomorrow! That does not however mean that recovery will be witnessed with the data we once knew. Change is huge already and I regard that everything needs to be handled as new.
Aviation sector I reckon will be more shrivelled as a market, but will eventually come up with new lucrative models. With reference to travel agencies, I’ll may be a bit harsh. Travellers have been trained to travel on their own, and coronavirus accelerated it even more. Ιt is important to invest in Digitalization and Online Campaigning to place themselves in the market.
H.A: What is, according to your point of view, the new traveller’s profile?
N.M: Autonomous. That says it all. Like I previously stated, pandemic accelerated travellers training to individually organize their trips as well as managing Online tools. In other words, autonomy in travel planning. At the same time, in experience level, they ask for less direct handling services and more tools so as to be independent. Therefore, autonomy once more. This is where all businesses need to focus.
New traveller’s profile will be autonomous. In other words, autonomy in travel planning.
H.A: What are the skills that will be called for by business executives in the next 5 years on a worldwide scale?
N.M: : I will speak more of practical knowledge and work philosphy rather than skills. At start, it is not possible for any executive officer regardless of any position to be unfamiliar with the use of Google tools and SEO rules. It is not about digital marketing, but the very perception of how market is shaped on a worldwide level. These should be taught at tourism schools.
From that point on, we should seriously work on Communication Management, as there is tension, and knowing how to cope with these situations positively is critical for the toxicity generated many times in workplaces.
I do not know whether it is a skill, but Motivation– Motivational Abilities is of great importance to me because it transforms executives into business makers. Lastly, restless will to learn is the most decisive of them all. The developments are rapid and everything changes day by day. If an executive is not interested in continuous training then unfortunately cannot pull it through.