Stefanakidis Konstantinos is a charismatic man. A teacher, who transformed the historical School of Tourism Professions in Anavyssos.

H.A: What and who pushed you to get involved in the tourism sector?
S.K: The truth is that neither grew up in a family engaged in tourism nor in a tourist place to be influenced by. I stem from Evros and my involvement with tourism was completely accidental. At a young age, I worked every summer as a waiter in cafes and as an assistant in a restaurant cuisine for pocket money, but I never thought of it as a professional choice. But come on, it was fate that pushed me there, when my cousin was taking an exam to go to the School of Tourism Professions and I decided to join him. The end result was to be accepted to STE Alexandroupolis. I think that this school was also the reason for me to pursue ,after my studies completion, a scholarship at Strasbourg Hotel School in France and then to work permanently as a teacher in public tourism schools.
H.A: You are an inextricably personality linked to the School of Tourism Professions of Anavyssos. How do you feel about the successful route as a distinguished tourism executive?
S.K: Thank you for the compliment but I consider to be part of an emblematic school and I responsibly did what every teacher should do from this position.
The School of Anavyssos is perhaps the best tourism school in the country in a public level and beyond. I have been teaching for many years focusing on the restaurant and contributing significantly to the development of new executives in the tourism market. I have authored four professional books and for many years I have had a close relationship with the catering industry as a speaker, judge and consultant having the belief that as a teacher it is important to be constantly informed about market development.
There are numerous hotel and food companies in Greece employing graduates of Anavyssos School in leading positions, but also other country schools such as Perea Thessaloniki, Argos, Rhodes, Heraklion Crete, Corfu, Galaxidi, Alexandroupolis. During my 27 years in the tourism sector and tourism education industry I have had the pleasure to meet our alumni as competition judges, secondary and higher education teachers, hotel managers, business owners, restaurant owners, high quality bartenders and winemakers,TV gastronomy stars. We even had a Chef of the US president.
Not to mention the popularity of Anavyssos school in media as it is often being chosen as a location for shooting commercials and movies, with the most famous of these to be “Politiki Cuisine” by Tassos Boulmetis.
H.A: What is the most emotional moment you have experienced as a School Principal?
S.K: I think my first emotional moment was the first day I became the School’s Principal on January 2012 right into the middle of a difficult economic crisis for the country bringing about vertical spending cuts and violent changes. At that time, we experienced the abolition of the former OTEK ( STE as it was renamed), boarding school’s cessation and schools inclusion in the Ministry of Tourism where they operate until now. It was until then when I, as a headmaster, urged to get by with the few strengths I had. Although I encountered many obstacles in this journey thanks to perseverance, passion and faith in the same values that I was “sculpted” at a young age, we managed to save school’s reputation and regained its rightful leading position.
So I thought of reviving an event that over the years had been forgotten. And then came to me! Awarding degrees! Or titles as are called now.
I organized with my school colleagues’ assistance, the very first degrees award based on a program, a personal invitation to parents and graduates with the presence of an honored person in a meeting room. With speeches and a ceremony master shooting photos with all senior students and teachers altogether. But the most important thing was the oath. Taking ideas from the respective university texts, I took the initiative and composed the oath of Anavyssos school:
“Before the Management and Anavyssos School’s educational staff which falls to the Ministry of Tourism, I consciously provide the following statement: I will live my life with the principles of virtue, justice and honesty. I will make myself a role model. With an open mind I will study and critically accept all the developments in my art and with unwavering will I will include the specialist in the general interest, as a Responsible Citizen, for the good of our Homeland.
I will preserve in my life with faith and accuracy all the things I’ve been taught at School of Anavyssos and I will pass the knowledge on to others so that it can be of use to the State and society and by all means always respecting the Constitution
and State’s laws. “
Even now, I am moved by these words because I firmly believe in them.

H.A: By which “materials” should a good teacher be forged?
Why do all those who were trained at the School of Anavyssos call you “their teacher”?
S.K: The word “teacher” is a big deal and the responsibility is very heavy, for those, who feel it. I believe that in teaching is the same is true in most professions. It is not enough to have the knowledge and technique. It requires the same ethos and love for what you do. And to communicate this in every way to those who are around you. Without selfishness and arrogance. I tried to serve these principles, putting myself in everyone’s shoes and giving my best as if there was no tomorrow.
H.A: What distinguishes Tourism Ministry’s Schools compared to others?
S.K: These schools were founded in 1936 and were the only ones that provided tourist education for decades. Similar educational programs are now provided at all levels, by many private and public bodies, including the Ministry of Education and Religions. However, what strengthened the reputation of Tourism Ministry’s schools is on the one hand the constant commitment of the program to its practical application and the inseparable connection with the labor market. Students still retain the privilege of experiential training in schools, most of which are fully equipped hotels.
H.A: Do you think that tourism education needs to be upgraded and if so in which areas would you focus?
S.K: Vocational education, like I mentioned and as the word says, must be inextricably linked to the profession.Tourism is an important source of income for our country and education in this field should not be left to luck. Greece could well become a provider of international tourism education. But this requires a perfect infrastructure comparable to the best hotels, updated educational programs and a demanding operating framework with selected trainers and a unified policy. But all this requires a vision and a development strategy that no leadership has dared to date, or at least has failed to do so through the mess of the bureaucracy.

H.A: What do you consider the biggest weapon in our country’s quiver in
tourism industry?
S.K: In a book by an ancient Greek philosopher, I read that the character of country’s people is shaped by its history and place in the world.
Greece in a word is hospitality. Wherever you are in the country, you will receive a friendly greeting and a human touch. The products are made with taste and are offered with an authentic smile. And all of this in a wonderful location in the Mediterranean where the climate favors sunshine all year round as well as flora’s euphoria.
H.A: How do you see the tourism industry developing after this unprecedented health crisis?
S.K: This is a difficult question and certainly no one can answer with certainty for the future. The only thing that is certain is that this unprecedented situation with the coronavirus changed everything, especially in tourism.
After a successful year of 2019, of 33 million tourists, with 19 billion euros in revenue and 360.000 employees in the industry, expectations were already high.
Through this, however, in addition to health protection measures, the need for efficiency in business has emerged, focusing on the individual and not on profit alone.
Stefanakidis Konstantinos
The need for improvement in all areas is becoming more and more distinct, pushing us to claim our position among the best again.
H.A: If tomorrow ,from the place you work at the Ministry of Tourism, you were going to being given the assignment to make a Dream Team in order to represent our country abroad who would you recommend and why?
S.K: I do not have an administrative position for such decisions, of course. My involvement in the Ministry of Tourism clearly concerns the support of our educational units, from the position of teacher. With the little experience I have in these issues I contribute to their rightful operation as much as possible.
But because being a teacher placing my belief in my students and the younger generation, I will surprise you and not mention the fancy names in a kitchen, restaurant or hotel you would expect to hear.
Stefanakidis Konstantinos
I prefer to give the opportunity to young capable people with vision and a clear look. The invisible heroes who are often back in the kitchen with their head bowed, or those who serve with passion behind a bar or with speed and courtesy at the front tables.

H.A: What is your advice for the next Hospitality Ambassadeurs?
S.K: I am a fan of honesty and selflessness. The world is small and there is no room for selfishness and vanity. Solidarity and faith for a better tomorrow are not old-fashioned, but always up to date. Words and people with their behavior can inspire but also discourage.
Hospitality Ambassadeurs form consciences and have a responsibility to inspire and guide.
Stefanakidis Konstantinos

Stefanakidis Konstantinos:
Perseverance, passion and faith for a better tomorrow