Kiriaki Pappa is the creator of Aisthiseon Gefseis with passion for gastronomy. Always in the run for something new and exciting.

H.A: What does Aisthiseon gefseis mean to you?
K.P: When flavors can excite all our senses and create such an euphoria and intense feelings, we can move on to another level! Food is pleasure and not merely a need.
H.A: Where do you get inspiration by?
K.P: I get inspiration by everyday life… our land’s products, our producers that do an excellent work. Inspiration comes through a dish, that can be cooked either by a housewife in a remote village… from a traditional bread or a handmade pie made by a grandmother. From two tomatoes or a few zucchini flowers I will find in market stalls. Inspiration stems also from creative dishes that I occasionally enjoy in our country’s restaurants… from our creative Chefs’ hands…It can come from a review critic in a magazine… through his words I can create an image of food and imagine its flavor.
H.A: You declare yourself to be a gastronomy lover. Do you believe that cooking is a male’s or female’s case?
K.P: Cooking for me has no gender… it’s love… it’s passion… it’s imagination…Its caring for all you love and you wish to coddle and this appears on the plate! If you do not love it, you’d better leave it! Do something different instead.

H.A: What is your relationship with Greek Chefs? Who do you think stands out?
K.P: My relationship with Greek Chefs is very special! I know them through their dishes… I love them and with some of them ,after many years, I have a friendly relationship beyond a professional one. I always try to be straightforward with my reviews and I consider this the right thing to do. That helps improving themselves in certain things. I single out many of them and some of them play an important part in our country’s gastronomy! I do not wish however to name them, because I will wrong many! Let me refer to the greatest ,departed, Klaus Feuerbach who had an impact on me and was awarded with the 1st Michelin star in our country, the legendary Bajazzo in Mets.
H.A: Do you think that Greeks’ gastronomy culture has changed?
K.P: The gastronomy setting has altered in our country in general. Great importance is being given to local products, Chefs create imaginative dishes and use innovative techniques. It is therefore natural for consumer to “adopt” another culture and seek for the finest raw material and an upgraded technique.
H.A: Do you consider that food blogging gains or loses ground?
K.P: Food blogging for me gains ground day by day. The directions nowadays through advertising are measured on one’s hand and food blogging along with the effect on our lives social media, goes up even more. But for me personally, food blogging has nothing to do with the number of followers or likes. The website http://www.aisthiseongefeis.gr, was created due to my love for good food and everything I taste and enjoy can be shared with a broader audience.

H.A: How easy or difficult is it for a blogger to stand out?
K.P: Let me be honest with you,I have neither given any thought of standing out, nor did I ever bothered to compare myself with other bloggers.What I do is something I own and very special. This makes it unique! I do not give importance to what’s being told and I do really what I possibly can to showcase good and qualitative raw materials, promote them, provide guidance always in the level I can judge and acknowledge(after all these years of experience and visits in dining areas) and making reference for good food, either this is a cheese pie, a tasty souvlaki or an awarded restaurant.
H.A: What is the first word you think when you wake up?
K.P: Live!
H.A: Traditional Greek flavors or modern techniques? What would you choose?
K.P: The combination of both, is the one bringing best result.
H.A: Who is the food blogger you admire and why?
K.P: In this field I single out only one! I follow him for years and what he does is unique! Traveller… food & travel editor… you will find him in every corner.. not Greece but the whole world. Fotis Vallatos is a rolemodel.

Α successful blog about authentic gastronomy experiences