Qoppa is a premium Corinthian extra virgin olive oil with bitter, spicy and fruity aromas. A bottle with aftertaste of Greece.
Olive oil, a thesaurus of valuable nutrients with enriched flavor and Greek roots, is an integral part of Greek land and Mediterranean diet. Two young Greek women with origin from Assos, Corinth, Froso and Filio Theodorou, passionate, driven by their deep love for their land, tradition and their legacy, stood out by creating a unique product, Qoppa. This is the new name of taste, concept and design of authentic Greek olive oil.
The name “Qoppa | Koppa ”, is a letter of the early Greek alphabets between “π” and “ρ”, which sounded equivalent to “k”. The idea of the brand name originates from the ancient Corinthian currency, on which Pegasus was imprinted on its surface, its main symbol of ancient Corinth.
We brought up in a rural environment. Our memories are deeply connected with olive harvest. The thought of continuing our family legacy, optimizing cultivation methods has always been on our mind…but matured a few years ago.
Froso & Filio Theodorou

Graphic Design: Designous creative agency
Glass decoration: Kouvelas S.A.
Web Design: Pixel Heroes
The logo design was created by a dedicated team, influenced by nature tones and balance. At a first glance, you cannot fail but notice the elegance and finesse of the bottle. A genuine olive wood made by hand, from Greek suppliers exclusively.
A special bottle in earthy warm shades of oil, a pure virgin olive oil, in green color with golden highlights, is a Koroneiki olive variety with acidity <0,28%.

Our trees are cultivated with mild methods in the area of Assos, Corinth. Their fruit was collected early and traditionally by hand, from October 20 to November 10. The olive oil we offer to you, was immediately oiled (at most 24 hours after harvest). It is bottled with high specifications in a glass-painted bottle that protects it from light and oxygen, in which it can remain for a long time, until you enjoy it (up to 18 months).
Froso & Filio Theodorou, the Qoppa Olive Oil

A most eye catching feature is the imprintment of the ancient coin of Corinth city, in a modern version, while the basic figure of the Pegasus horse is maintained.
The aftertaste that leaves on the pallet is an amalgamation of bitter, spicy and fruity aromas, a reminiscent of childhood memories.
Qoppa, an olive oil with aftertaste of Greece